Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snow in Central Texas

My neglected back yard looks like a cross between "Sanford and Son" and Pa Kettle's yard. It is ugly and looks hopeless. But this morning it is covered with three inches of pure white snow (and still falling). Snow bending bamboo low, Firethorn weighted down, trees and vine-covered arch accented. All in a symphony of silence, peach, and beauty. But as for me, I'm feeling "woe is me for I am undone." I feel as if the Lord will "depart from me for I am a sinful man." But as for God, "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow." Gospel.


Charlie Johnson said...

Good to get connected to your blog, Dr. Roark. Your perspectives on a variety of topics challenge and provoke. I write this from Fort Worth where we have only a slight dusting of snow; I wish I were in Desdemona or Brownwood to see that snowy blanket that transforms the entire landscape.

WRoark said...


Thanks for the note and the words of encouragement. I have just now seen it.
If I'm not much good for anything else, I can at least write.

I am in the final stages of editing and rewriting my book manuscript on how to become a good thinker.

I continue to hear words of appreciation for your ministry.

The whole issue of dying churches in the current Standard is quite provocative.