Monday, December 18, 2006

Good Morning

It is after 6:00 a.m. and the banty roosters have been crowing for a couple of hours. I need to go let them out of the coop. I am attempting four separate blogs, and considering a couple more, but have been told it is hard to keep up with more than one. We'll see. The fellow who told me that has a more than full-time job. I am no longer on any payroll, don't have to report in, am accountable only to God and my wife, and thus just may be able to do considerable blogging. Having left my teaching position at HPU, (where I now have a new title--as someone called it--Professor Emeritorious), I am now teaching in a new classroom, The Blog Room. The potential class size is much larger, there are no tests to grade, no committees, none of all the rest of that stuff that is necessary to keep a university operational. Now all I have to do is love my family, care for the quotidian, and write. Now it is 6:30, so I'd better get dressed, eat breakfast, and be at Starbucks by 7:30 for a one-on-one session, much like I did in the office or hallway in the past. Don't get caught without something to write with and something to write on. And, keep a dictionary handy at every location where you read. Library discards and garage sales make it easy to own several.

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